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Take your conflict resolution work to new levels of depth and sophistication! 

Don't miss this one-of-a-kind opportunity to join an in-depth advanced study group with Pauline Tesler!

Apply now to join a very small international study group of colleagues who want to dive deep into the thinking of exceptional conflict resolution experts.

You'll meet every other month with 
lawyers and mediators like yourself who specialize in helping clients resolve (not just settle!  resolve deeply and durably!)  the conflicts that well up during transformations of important interpersonal relationships at home, at work, and in the community.

This study group is not about:

  • getting to yes

  • interest-based settlement negotiations

  • the art of the deal

  • getting signatures on a piece of paper resembling what a judge would order after trial

  • getting clients past impasse to the settlement of disputed legal issues. 


That's because legal issues are only a very small tip of a much bigger hidden iceberg that can complicate and harden conflict when important personal relationships run aground. Our focus will be on the rest of the iceberg: the non-rational forces that can keep people locked in conflict despite our best efforts at interest-based negotiations.  We will look at conflict itself, and approaches for resolving it deeply, through a variety of lenses and perspectives found in the works of groundbreaking thinkers like mediation theorist Bernie Mayer, psychiatrist Tom Lewis, neuro-economist Paul Zak, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, positive psychologist Dacher Keltner, and many more.  


This seminar series is a one-time event.


Don't miss it! 

Register today while places are still available!




Don't miss this rare opportunity to deepen your understanding of interpersonal conflict resolution practice in a small group, led by a pioneering expert in the field.


Join internationally respected,  award-winning writer and teacher Pauline Tesler for nine online study group sessions over a period of eighteen months. In each of these small group seminar-style sessions, we will delve deeply into a different important book about a specific aspect of how we humans experience conflict, why we respond as we do when disputing with people we care about, and how conflict resolution professionals can incorporate those understandings into useful skills in their daily work with clients.


​Space is strictly limited. Only lawyers and mediators with substantial experience in out-of-court interpersonal conflict resolution will be invited to join this study group.  


Don't wait:  Register Now!  

(As part of the registration process you will be invited to explain how your work relates to the intentions of this seminar/study group.)


For maximum benefit, invite one or two respected colleagues to sign up with you!

There is no better way to elevate the quality of your work with clients than to deepen the common ground you share with the close colleagues who work alongside you. 

Hear what prior workshop attendees say about Pauline’s teaching

“Great Insight, truly inspiring!”
- Francesca King, Lawyer , Milano, Italy

“Pauline is absolutely brilliant. She brings her depth of knowledge and experience to every piece of the training, and combines this with a deep humanity towards conflict resolution. Outstanding!”

- Mary Ellen Linnehan, Lawyer,  Mt. Kisko, NY

Every lawyer should attend this seminar. It is that simple. . . . [it] will not only give you another set of perspectives through which to view the entire legal profession, but remarkable insight into human behaviour.”


- Wendy Ward, Lawyer, Cape Town, South Africa

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“Pauline is a wealth of knowledge and information coupled with passion. Although I have attended multiple trainings with her, I could hear her and learn from her again and again. I enjoyed two days at the IACP Institute with her. And I would sign up again to stretch my views and skills further.”


- Leslie Bottimore, Lawyer, Tacoma, Washington

About the seminar and study groups

Join Pauline Tesler, a pioneering leader in the international Collaborative Practice movement, for a series of monthly conversations about specific challenges and opportunities that we all face in learning to facilitate deeper and more durable resolution with our clients. This is a rare opportunity to work with Pauline in a very small group, with ample opportunities for exploring your own questions and ideas. 


You will help shape the study group curriculum. Before the first session, enrolled participants will vote on a list of topic options, with the particular interests of those attending determining the final content of the series.


Topics to select from will include issues in Collaborative Divorce practice, as well broader concepts in:


  • integrative conflict resolution practice

  • social and cognitive psychology

  • behavioral economics

  • “neuro-morality"

  • decision science

  • brain science

  • and other emerging discoveries about how we humans experience conflict and make decisions



Register now for a study group

Enrollment fee: $1,200 (limited scholarships available)


  • Twelve online monthly sessions - two study groups

  • Enrollment limited to 16 attendees per study group

To accomodate colleagues in widely divergent time zones, there will be two separate study groups, one scheduled for the convenience of Pacific Rim participants and the other primarily for the convenience of participants in the Americas and EuropeThe program content for both groups will be the same.


The curriculum for the seminar series will include a resources list of short readings, discussion questions, and/or video clips that should be looked at in advance of each session. For some sessions, participants may be asked to bring specific issues from their own practices for discussion.


All sessions will be treated as confidential. 


See the list of preliminary topic options.

Fourth of July special offer!

Use promo code ILI-JULY 4 to receive $200 off registration through July 9.

Pacific Rim Study Group


Start Date: Thursday, July 15, 2021

Time: 5:00PM - 6:30PM Pacific Time 

Europe and Americas Study Group


Start Date: Friday, July 16, 2021

Time: 10:00AM - 11:30AM Pacific Time 

Study Group Sign Up
Equity and inclusion scholarships

We recognize that fluctuating currency exchange rates, differing fee structures for mental health, financial, and legal professionals, and other financial barriers may discourage some from registering for this series.


A limited number of sliding scale scholarships is available. Write to Pauline at to request consideration for scholarship enrollment.

About Pauline Tesler

About Pauline Tesler

Pauline is a co-founder of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and was its first President; a co-founder and editor of its journal, the Collaborative Review; and a pioneering trainer, speaker and writer who has introduced Collaborative Law, Collaborative Divorce, and integrative law to lawyers and their colleagues in more than a dozen nations.


She received the first Lawyer as Problem Solver Award from the American Bar Association nearly twenty years ago, in acknowledgment of her pioneering accomplishments as a leader of the collaborative movement, as well as many awards subsequently.


Now, as founding director of the nonprofit Integrative Law Institute at Commonweal, Pauline is extending the boundaries of how we understand our work as facilitators of resolution when important relationships encounter conflicts beyond the parties’ ability to resolve on their own.


Learn more about Pauline!

Pauline Tesler headshot.jpg

More testimonials from prior workshop attendees

"This course is like no other.  It is not simply imparting legal knowledge from teacher to student, but rather opening up new ideas and approaches to problem-solving in family cases.  It expands the skill of the family law practitioner, by expanding his imagination.  Its potential is enormous and far-reaching for the future of family law."


- G A Fordyle, Lawyer, Paisley, Scotland

"My colleague and I are complete converts!  Even us ‘straightforward’ Yorkshire folks can fully see the benefits for the clients and ourselves in this way of practicing.  I look forward to my first [collaborative] case with relish, and I only hope I can be half as enthusiastic and committed as Pauline!"



- C. Thornton, Lawyer, Glasgow, Scotland

"Beyond the fact that Pauline is an energetic and inspired trainer who galvanizes the group into rapid  learning, the reference materials are a treasure of information for any legal professional seeking a genuine way to serve the public."



- Carol Bailey,  Lawyer, Seattle, Washington

“Your love and your belief in your work shine on to everybody. It is an honor for me to be acquainted with someone like you who impacted so wonderfully on other people's lives worldwide-- client's lives and of course other lawyers. Thank you so much for your thought and energy."


- Galit Lurie, Lawyer-Mediator, Tel-Aviv, Israel

"This was a passionate and inspirational speaker delivering an amazing and insightful program which is life changing."


- Bev Clark, Lawyer,  Adelaide, Australia

“Truly inspiring from a multitude of perspectives. . . . Brilliant! Thank you.”


– Sheila Krystal, Ph.D., Berkeley, CA

Testimonials Section

Use promo code ILI-JULY 4 to receive $200 off registration through July 9.

Pacific Rim Study Group


Europe and Americas Study Group

The Integrative Law institute

Thanks for submitting!

The Integrative Law Institute is a program of Commonweal, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization.

Integrative Law Institute | P.O. Box 608 | Stinson Beach, CA 94970 | Tel: 415-383-5600

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